Monday 30 September 2013

Medium shot

This picture is from the TV show 'The Inbetweeners' and is an example of a Medium shot. In this scene the car door is ripped off outside the theme park and Neil gets a wasp in his suit and has to use the lost and found clothes. This shows the friendship between the four 'Loser' characters. It reveals the confidence of each of the characters by the fact that we can see their facial expressions as well as body langauge. It also established the location they are in by the rollercoaster behind them.

Extreme Long Shot

This is a picture from the Television Series 'The Walking Dead'. This is an example of an Extreme Long Shot. The buildings are all blackened and falling apart which suggests something terrible happenign to them. The fact that there is Rick on his own on the other side of a freeway that is filled with abandoned vehicle, suggests that he is completely alone in this forsaken and barren world. This is what these camera angles are meant to do, show an extremely overwhelming landscape. The sky is grey scale which makes it a bleak atmosphere this added to the emptiness of Atlanta (normally a bustling city) is a very spinechilling idea.

Medium Shot

This picture is from the TV show Sherlock, and shows an example of a Medium Shot. These shots are usually used to show the relationship between two characters. In this case this is Sherlock Holmes with his companion Watson. This shows that Sherlock is the more focused logical character and that Watson is the more Laid back and sociable character which makes them a well rounded team. The background tells us were the series is set and the dark clouds in the sky foreshadow that somehting is wrong or something is going to happen.

Close Up

This picture is an example of a closeup from the movie Les Miserables, This is used to show the emotion on Anne Hathaway's face, after what her character has been through. The candelight behind her suggests a holiness or a purity which is very juxtoposed as she has becamea prostitute at this point and is far from pure and clean.

Extreme Close up

This is an example of an extreme closeup from Harry Potter. This focuses on his glasses with Dumbledore's reflection this suggests foreshadowing something possibly. This also makes a symbol of his scar, suggesting that something is going to happen about Voldemort.